When our Founders declared a new order of the ages [Novus Ordo Seclorum]…they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of justice, but history also has a visible direction, set by liberty and the Author of Liberty.
– President George W. Bush, Second Inaugural Address, January 20, 2005, some three years after 9/11. (Transcript “Bush: ‘No Justice without Freedom’.” CNN; Bush: Expand Freedom ‘In All The World’.” CNN.)
In the previous post (March 15, 2018), following the footsteps of Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates et al. follow their Establishment “do God’s work” throughout history led to the spiritual side of The Black Hole – to the first “666” Biblical Beast in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 13:18), the Popes Vicarius Filii Dei (666) of the Church of Rome (Roman Catholic Church), and inevitably in this piece, to the second Biblical Beast of Revelation (13:11-17):
11And I beheld another beast [“like a flying eagle” (Rev. 4:7)]… and he spake as a dragon [Satan]. 12And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast [the Popes of the Church of Rome], whose deadly wound was healed” (Rev.13:11, 12).
What Plato learned from the Egyptian Ancients and retold as the legend of Atlantis, the Holy Bible calls the second Beast “like a flying eagle” (Rev. 4:7) that followed the first Beast to the New World “discovered” by the first Papacy Beast’s crusader Christopher Columbus – a New World that those learned of the Ancients call the “Land of Isis,” the Egyptian goddess Isis being the daughter of Saturn-Satan (Ward, p. 232), among her Ancient titles, the “whore of Babylon” and “goddess of war” who would give birth to Liberty on a ship called the Mayflower, from the root of Isisflower.
If Vicarius Filii Dei, i.e. the “666” Beast Papacy of the Church of Rome deceiveth the world by representing Christianity on earth, then by what representation does the “New World” second Beast “like a flying eagle,” the emblem of the United States, deceiveth the whole world: Liberty, Democracy, Freedom.
In more earthly terms, it is what allows the Beasts to cloak itself with God and Liberty, and cast “Fascist” (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei , better known as the Nazi party) “Socialist,” or “Communist” marks on other nations, e.g., the Holocaust under Nazi Germany and the Gulag under Stalin, as the Beasts keep hidden their financing of the Nazi war machines and Adolf Hitler[Rothschild], and with the Vatican propel Hitler to power, supplying Hitler with the technology and Church records to round up Jews and other “undesirables” for the massacre (Edwin Black IBM and the Holocaust); as the Beasts keep hidden their financing of the Bolshevik Revolution leading to their creation and first five-years plan for building up the communist Soviet Union (Antony Sutton) and thereafter in time for WWII. Stalin’s Bolshevik-beginnings started gleefully in 1902 with “I’m working for the Rothschilds!” (Montefiore Young Stalin, p. 90, 197)
And that is just the set-up for World War II that soaked the lands of Europe with the blood of 60 million to 80 million people to form the European Union, to attempts to vote repeatedly until Brexit, the British peoples’ vote to leave the European Union, is undone; to hosing down and blinding the Yellow Vest protesters under Rothschilds’ President Macron in France, baptized by Revelation’s first Papacy Beast Church of Rome’s “eldest daughter” since the founding of France, to turning off the lights in Venezuela until submission. Or rewind to the Papal Crusades to the 600-year Inquisition through Europe to the seeding of Revelation’s second Beast.
For in these two Beasts foretold in the Book of Revelation “was found the blood … of all that were slain upon the earth” (Rev.18:24).
In non-Biblical language, the two Beasts can be called the empires or hegemon on earth. For it was not God, but Satan, who gave power unto the Beasts:
9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him... (Rev. 12) 4And they worshipped the dragon [Satan] which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (Rev. 13:4 bold my emphasis)
Indeed, who is able to make war with Satan’s Beast empires or hegemons.“Satan walks among us and is smarter than you,” Pope Francis warns on December 14, 2017, and apparently walks faster than I do as I was preparing to publish my post on the footsteps to Revelation’s first Beast. So do not argue with Satan, the Pope says, for Satan will come back “with seven companions worse than him… knocks at the door, rings the bell… and in the end he comes in with friends,” such as Goldman Sachs, Bill Gates, Soros et al. to do “God’s work.” Thus, Pope Francis confirms that Satan in human form and his crew are among us on earth as told in Revelation, which also foretold one of Satan’s Beasts is the Pope Vicarius Filii Dei (“666”) of the Roman Catholic Church.
(“‘Satan Walks among Us and is Smarter than YOU’ Pope Warns Ahead of Christmas.” Daily Star, Dec 14, 2017; “Pope Francis says Satan is a Very Smart Person You Should Not Argue With.” The Independent [UK], Dec 14, 2017)
For it means one is living in the not-so-Ancient time of the two Beasts of Revelation, during a time when Satan’s Beasts, i.e. empires or hegemons, are being challenged.
In the Holy Bible, also called Holy Scripture, there are four Beast Empires foretold in the Book of Daniel of the Old Testament, two empires in the times of antiquity, the first being Babylon. In the New Testament, the Book of Revelation describes the characteristics and times of the remaining two Beasts, referred to as the first and second beast (of Revelation), which are the third and fourth beasts of the Holy Bible. My writings published today continue the piece published nearly a year ago on March 15, 2018 on the esoteric (hidden), spiritual side of The Black Hole, where following the footsteps of Henry Kissinger, Goldman Sachs, Bill Gates, George Soros et al. “do God’s work” led to Revelation’s first Beast, the Papacy of the Church of Rome, as this piece picks up the second Beast it seeded and inevitably, the spiritual side of the 9/11 Memorial.
Seeding the Second Beast of Revelation
The “Discovery of the New World, the land of Isis” (Latimer, Nov. 1884, “The Unveiling of Isis”; Masonic Review, Vol. 63, p. 100) was marked by landfall on October 12, 1492 by crusader Christopher Columbus, sent forth by Vicarius Filii Dei the Pope (“666” Biblical Beast) of the Church of Rome to claim new lands for colonialization (Vauchez, p. 334), or in esoteric (hidden) meaning, the fulfillment of seeding what the Book of Revelation calls the second Beast “like a flying eagle” which would reigneth in Rome II (Saturnia-Saturn-Satan).
[Latimer, Charles. “The Unveiling of Isis”. Cleveland: The International Institute, Vol. 2,No. 5, November 1884, between pages 522 & 523. Magazine devoted to ancient wisdom of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Journal PDF archived at IAPSOP.com; “The Unveiling of Isis.” Masonic Review. Edited by Rev. Henry D. Moore, 32 Degree Mason. Vol. 63, No.2, March 1885, p. 98-102. Journal PDF; U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. A U.S. Metric Study Interim Report: A History of the Metric System. 1971. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/historyofmetrics00trea/page/85; Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, A-K (Volume I of II). Edited by AndreVauchez et al. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co., 2001.
Latimer, an engineer learned of the ancient Egyptian Pyramid, was a leading voice in the 1880s in the early debate on establishing measurement standards in the United States (U.S. Metric Study, p. 85-94). The origin of the systems of weights and measures is credited to Babylon and Egypt before the building of Egypt’s temples and pyramids (3000 B.C. and 1800 B.C.). (Ibid. p. 3, 4)]
To those of the Ancients (Babylonians-Egyptians), numbers (dates), the stars and symbols are expressions of and alignment with their Divine, being Satan according to the Holy Bible, and are infused with spiritual intention steeped in Ancient secret knowledge.
Yet some of the secret knowledge has been kept hidden in plain sight over thousands of years by its initiates through numbers, monuments and “signs and symbols,” by which initiates use to identify each other “boasted” Pythagoras (Weisse, p. 94). Pythagoras, “the greatest Masonic figure in antiquity,” was a Greek philosopher who spent 22 years in Egypt studying under the Egyptian priests, a rare initiation into Ancient Egyptian secrets “mysteries” granted to few others, and some time in Babylon initiated into its Divine mysteries (Freemason’s Chronicle, 1879, p. 98; Weisse, p. 94), and some century and a half later, continued by Masonic initiate Plato (Weisse, p. 95, 96; Westcott, p. 12, 20, 89; Star of the Magi, p.6), whose legend of Atlantis is said to originate from Ancient Egypt.
Others argue it was not possible for Plato to have gained access to the Egyptian priests, but that more likely Plato learned from what records about the nature of the Divine were written down of Pythagoras’ oral teachings (Anthon, p. 1075, 1156). Plato is recognized as being the father of Western philosophy.
The fact that one speaks of the esoteric is attributed to Pythagoras, who created two methods of instruction “concealed under the veil of symbols” adopted from the Egyptian model, the exoteric or superficial public knowledge, and the esoteric, the private or hidden doctrines reserved for the inner circle “carefully selected from the noblest families” (Anthon, p. 1155-1156).
[Perhaps there is a reason why history, which has been turning out to be Harlequin romance novels in disguise, insists that Christopher Columbus was a poor Italian wool worker and not a Greek noble. Being supposedly Italian, neither Columbus nor his two brothers could speak Italian …]
(Weisse, John. The Obelisk and Freemasonry. New York: J.W. Bouton, 1880. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/cu31924030279495/page/n; Westcott, William Wynn. Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues. London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1890. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/numberstheiroccu1911west;
Tupman, Tracy. Theatre Magick: Aleister Crowley and the Rites of Eleusis. Ph.D. Dissertation. Ohio State University, 2003. PDF; Anthon, Charles. A Classical Dictionary Containing an Account of the Principal Proper Names Mentioned in Ancient Authors. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1848. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/classicaldiction00anth/page/n7; Star of the Magi: An Exponent of Occult Science, Art.., Vol. 1, No. 1, Nov 1, 1899. PDF).
[The author William W. Westcott was a Master Mason and physician coroner. Westcott was the brainchild among three high-ranking London Freemasons who founded the occult/satanic Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1887 (Tupman, p. 102), to continue the work of the Theosophical Society run by occultist Madam Blavatsky, editor of the journal Lucifer (Cicero, p. 44-45). Westcott and the London Freemasons were also senior members of the Rosicrucian Society (S.R.I.A) in England, whose Qabalistic (also spelled Kabbalistic, Cabalistic – a Jewish mysticism) structure shaped the Golden Dawn and later Satanist Aleister Crowley’s own founding of the Masonic-oriented Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) (Tupman, p. 98-99, 163; Cicero, p. 44, 45, 47). The idea being, they are branches of the same Ancient satanic roots (International Standard 1885, p. 30).]
The Land of Isis On the day the Pilgrims aboard the ship Mayflower sight land on November 9 [11/9], 1620, is to the Ancients “the day that Isis finds Osiris” (Latimer, Mar. 1885, p. 30; Masonic Review, Vol. 63, p. 100). Two days later, on November 11 [11/11], “the fulfillment of the myths took place”: “HERE WAS THE BIRTH OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY” – the day of the signing of the Mayflower Compact. Historians call the Mayflower Compact America’s first Constitution. Latimer explains, “[T]he word MAY derives from MAIA, and that Maia was Isis. Mayflower-Isisflower, Mayflower-Lotusflower” (Latimer, Mar. 1885, p. 29; Higgins, p.356).
(Latimer, Charles. “The Unveiling of Isis,” Part VIII. Cleveland: The International Institute, Vol.3, No. 1, March 1885, p. 22-38. Journal PDF archived athttps://archive.org/details/internationalst00unkngoog/page/n5 and IAPSOP.com; “November 11 – 1620: Mayflower Compact Signed in Provincetown Harbor.” Cape Cod Today, Nov 11, 2018; Higgins, Godfrey. Anacalypsis, an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis; Or, An Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions. New York: J.W. Bouton, 1874. First published in 1836. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/anacalypsisanat00higggoog/page/n491)
To the Ancients, the number 11 is a “great magical number,” explains author and British spy, Satanist Aleister Crowley (Crowley 777, p. 43). Magic is the summoning of demonic spirits, and more generally, Paganism, which goes back to Babylon where it was invented and instituted by the Biblical Nimrod, Noah’s great-grandson born after the Great Flood. Nimrod and his father Cush founded and ruled the first great empire of the world, the Babylonian Empire (Herbert, p. 22-23; Garnier, p.19; Genesis 10:1-10), mentioned many times in Holy Scripture, described as “the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit” (Rev. 18:2).
(Crowley, Aleister. 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley. Boston: Weiser Books, 1986. First published in 1912; Herbert, Algernon. Nimrod: A Discourse on Certain Passages of History and Fable, Vol. 1. London: Thomas Davison, Whitefriars, 1828. Book PDF.
[Satanist Aleister Crowley was a 33rd Degree Free-Mason and Satanist member of Rothschilds’ personal coven, according to former Satanist John Todd. Crowley appointed Jack Parsons, who co-founded NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, to lead his satanic lodge in the United States. Parsons was fornicating with his mother in videotapes police found after his death. (“Jack Parsons and the Occult Roots of JPL.” Space Safety Magazine, Aug 2, 2013). A coven is a meeting of witches, witchcraft being demonic worship, according to the Holy Bible and John Todd, who dined at the mansion of the Rothschilds who leave a seat at the table for Lucifer. (Holy Bible Galatians 5:19-21; Deuteronomy 18:10-12). More on John Todd in a few moments.]
Nimrod was the first Antichrist of the Babylonian Empire in the Old Testament (Herbert, p. 22-23). Though Diodorus, a Greek historian in antiquity, characterizes the Chaldeans in Babylon as Egyptian colonies (Diodorus, p. 83), both the Holy Bible and historians attribute the origin of Paganism to Babylon and Assyria (Garnier, p. 20). Rome through Greece through Phoenicia through Egypt obtained their religious systems from Babylon, or from each other (Garnier, p. 50). For instance, “Hardly any vast column or obelisk remaining in Rome, worthy of note, was hath not anciently been brought thither out of Egypt,” writes historian Greaves (p. 13).
(Diodorus. The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian, in Fifteen Books, Volume I. Translated by G. Booth. London: W. McDowall, 1814. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/historicallibra01diodgoog/page/n4; Garnier, Colonel J. The Worship of the Dead; or, The Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry and Its Bearing Upon the Early History of Egypt and Babylonia. London: Chapman & Hall, 1904. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/worshipdeadoror00garngoog)
The flagship of John Winthrop, who led a group of eleven (11) ships carrying Puritans to New England in 1630, was originally called the Eagle (Latimer, March 1885, p. 28; March 1884, p. 522-523, 535-), which would become the national seal of the ‘New World’ recognized to be the United States. The Eagle to Ancient Egyptians was called the Phoenix, the soul of Ra (Cook, p. xli, xlii, li, 114, 117) Osiris the son of Satan (or son-incarnate Horus), and is the esoteric (hidden) origin of the Eagle, revealed Manly P. Hall, perhaps the most prominent 33° Mason in his little book, The Secret Destiny of America (1944, p. 175-178), which says so much. On the Great Seal of the United States $1 dollar bill are esoterically, Master Mason George Washington on one side and the Eye of Osiris (Lucifer) atop an incomplete pyramid, and the Eagle (Phoenix soul of Satan).
(Latimer, Charles. “The Unveiling of Isis.” The International Standard. Cleveland: The International Institute. The magazine is devoted to the wisdom of the Ancients in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Part VI, Vol. 2, No. 5, March 1884. PDF at www.iapsop.com; “November 9.” Cape Cod Today, Nov 9, 2018;Cook, Albert S. The Old English Elene, Phoenix, and Physiologus. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1919. Book PDF.
Manly P. Hall was conferred the highest honor of a 33° Mason by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, its national Masonic Supreme Council headquartered in Washington D.C. since 1915. Manly P. Hall’s An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy: Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed by the Rituals, Allegories, and Mysteries of All Ages, originally published in 1928, is the most requested Masonic book in the Supreme Council 33 Degree Southern Jurisdiction Temple’s library in Washington D.C. The book is better known as The Secret Teachings of All Ages. (https://scottishrite.org/scottish-rite-myths-and-facts/most-requested-book/)
Marked with the Footsteps of the First Beast In the year 1663, some thirty-three (number 33 Masonic significance) years after the Eagle flagship brought Puritans to the New World, the seat of power of the second Beast “like a flying eagle” Empire was seeded when a man by the name of Francis Pope purchased a 400-acre farmstead from the English Crown. Francis Pope called his plot of land “Rome,” upon which he built his dwelling “the Capitoline Hill” and the stream, a tributary of the Potomac River that flowed along its eastern edge he named “Tiber” (W. Post & Slauson, p. 3) after the Tiber River flowing past the Vatican on Capitoline Hill in Rome, Italy. Francis Pope called himself the “Pope of Rome”.
Francis Pope’s next door neighbor, George Thompson, was granted by the Second Lord Baltimore a 500-acres tract called the “New Troy,” also known as Jenkins Hill, dating back to the original Maryland land grant in 1663 (Historic District “Capitol(ine) Hill”); in Roman mythology, the ancient city of Troy was a precursor to Rome. Over the next century, New Troy changed hands six times, before Daniel Carroll of the prominent Jesuit Carroll family conveyed the property still deeded as New Troy to the Federal Government. The plots of “New Troy” was nearly all the land, along with “Rome,” that is known as “Capitol Hill” upon the seven hills chosen by Master Mason-President George Washington on which the U.S. Capitol stands today (W. Post & Slauson, p.15, 13; “Roosevelt More …”).
(The Washington Post Company [cited W. Post & Slauson]. A History of the City of Washington, Its Men and Institutions. Edited by Allan Slauson, 1903. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/historyofcityofw00wash; “Capitol(ine) Hill.” Historic District, https://historicdc.com/2012/08/08/capitoline-hill/; “Roosevelt More Familiar with City than Any Other President.” Washington Post, 20 Jan 1937; “L’Enfant’s Sacred Design for Washington DC.” CNU Journal, Feb 21, 2018 and The Urban Evolutionary, Feb 2, 2018; “The Mysterious Mr. Jenkins of Jenkins Hill: The Early History of the Capitol Site.” Capitol Hill History, Spring 2004, http://capitolhillhistory.org/library/04/Jenkins%20Hill.html; “Tiber Creek Sewer Flush Gates, Washington DC.” Engineering News and American Railway Journal, Feb 8, 1894, http://www.sewerhistory.org/articles/compon/1894_aen03/index.htm; “What Has Been Spent upon the National Capital.” Chicago Daily Tribune, 25 Mar 1873; “Locating the Capital.” Washington Post, Dec 2, 1900; “Obstinate David Burns: He Owned the Land upon which Washington is Built. Old Landmarks at the Capital That Few Persons Know Anything About.” Washington Post, 04 Jan 1891)
“The names newly given to so many of your towns and rivers and lakes teach and clearly witness how deeply your beginnings were marked with the footprints of the Catholic Church,” wrote Pope Leo XIII to the people of the United States in 1895. This is the Pope Leo XIII who saw a vision of Satan circling Rome and pleaded with God to save the Catholic Church from Satan.
(Pope Leo III. “Longinqua. Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on Catholicism in the United States.” Given at Rome at St. Peter’s on the feast of the Epiphany, January 6, 1895. http://w2.vatican.va/content/leo-xiii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_06011895_longinqua.html)
Some 355 years after from the seeding of Rome II in 1663, Vicarius Filii Dei Pope Francis (“666” Revelation’s First Beast) of the Roman Catholic Church in December 2017 reveals inside information that Satan is a very smart person.
(Pope Francis speaks of “The Footsteps of Joseph and Mary…” on Dec. 26, 2017 (TheJournal.ie.com). It seems the footsteps of Vicarius Filii Dei ran ahead of my writings posted a few months later on March 15, 2018, which follows the footsteps of Kissinger, Bill Gates, Goldman Sachs et al. do “God’s work” in the Inferno footsteps of Revelation’s Papal Beast.
During my writing in the first year or so on Economics Voodoo, Microsoft Word picked up a paragraph and asked for permission to send it to Microsoft for review. It seems Microsoft has since stopped asking for permission. Early on, Alphabet-Google-YouTube’s inferno would delete documentary videos referenced in my post after my post is published, but has since front-run the removal of YouTube videos referenced in my writings before my post is published. That is out of 5 billion YouTube videos viewed per day. (YouTube by the Numbers, 2018 https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/)
Luckily, if Satan and his Beast Empires are front-running my work on my upgraded $150 computer or trying to talk to me, Satan cannot be that smart.]
“The Birth of Liberty Fulfilled” On September 9, 1774, under the Isis Crown (stars in circular form), also called the constellation Corona Borealis, “The Birth of Liberty [was] Fulfilled” with the passage of the Suffolk Resolve (Latimer, 1884, p. 522-523) that would become known as the U.S. Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Years later in 1791, on the same day September 9 under the rising constellation Corona Borealis, the seat of Liberty-Independence is named by Thomas Jefferson, a Free Mason (The Freemason’s Repository p. 489), and James Madison as “The City of Washington, in the Territory of Columbia” (W. Post & Slauson, p. 18). To the Ancients, September is the month of Isis (Masonic Review, Vol. 63, p. 99), the whore of Babylon and goddess of war, with the number 9 being “the most evil” number (Crowley 777, p. 43). (The Freemasons’ Repository. Edited by Henry W. Rugg. Vol. XXIV, 1894-1895. Book PDF)
The first cornerstone of Washington, D.C. was laid with Masonic ceremonies on April 15, 1791, and in the summer, “a square mass of masonry to mark the exact center of the district was set, nor far from the spot where now stands the magnificent obelisk that is at once a monument to Washington and to American Liberty,” writes The Washington Post (& Slauson, p. 15).
On September 18, 1793, counted by Masons as year 5793, U.S. President George Washington, a Master Mason, dressed in Masonic regalia conducted the “impressive,” “grandest” Masonic ceremonies accompanied by Masonic lodges in laying the corner stone of the U.S. Capitol, designed by Pierre L’Enfant, a Free Mason (W. Post & Slauson, p. 15) along with Daniel Carroll of the Jesuit Carrolls as one of three Commissioners on the design.
The Washington Post writes “Washington himself laid the corner stone, not only as President but as Most Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge A.F. and A.M. No Mason needs to be told why the Capitol, like Solomon’s Temple, faces toward the rising sun” (W. Post & Slausen, p. 86). In southern Egypt, the Great Temple Abu Simbel (1260 B.C.) is oriented in such a way that only on the days of equinoxes the rays of the rising sun illuminate the statues of their great gods (World of Pharaohs, p. 115, 215, 425,426,427). The obelisk and sun, among others, are variations of phallic symbols representing the perpetual “energizing power” of “reproduction” and “regeneration” (Whatham, p. 74, 77).
(“Laid a Hundred Years Ago.” NYT, Sept 10, 1893; “Corner Stone Ritual. Quaint Account of Ceremonies at the Capitol in 1793.” Washington Post, Dec 12, 1900; L’Enfant, a Mason http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/textfiles/famous.html; Egypt: The World of the Pharaohs. Edited by Regine Schulz and Matthias Seidel. Germany: Konemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 1998.; Whatham, A.E. “Phallic Symbolism.” The American Journal of Urology and Sexology, edited by William Robinson M.D., New York: The Urologic Publishing Association, 1919, p. 71-77. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/americanjournalo1519unse; Inman, Ancient Pagan, p. 121; “Mysteries of Egypt. Astronomy.” Canadian Museum of History. https://www.historymuseum.ca/cmc/exhibitions/civil/egypt/egcs03e.html)
This is to say that in the ways of the Ancients, architecture and its Divine numbers, built on the earth’s cardinal points and alignment to the stars, are not random, but designed to venerate the gods, “bringing the gods’ divine energy to earth” to prevent chaos in the world, according to the Canadian Museum of History. Based on the gods of the Ancients, the “gods’ divine energy” is demonic.
A Mason, Chief Justice John Marshall who was initiated into Freemasonry with George Washington, led the movement to build the Washington Monument (W. Post & Slauson, p.110; Chicago Lodge). On July 4 [7+4=11], 1848, the Grand Master of Masons laid the cornerstone of the Washington Monument, a Masonic ceremony attended by some 29,000 people described by the Washington Post as “an event in the annals of the new capital” (“History of the Obelisk.” Washington Post, Feb 22, 1885).
[One of the most noted memorial stones to be placed into the Washington Monument was sent by the Pope of the Church of Rome. The stone was taken from the Temple of Concord at the foot of Capitoline Hill in Rome and inscribed with the simple words “Home to America” to its second Capitoline Hill seeded with Rome in 1663. The stone was reportedly destroyed as there was some hatred against “foreign things”. [At the time, the U.S. broke off relations with the Papacy for its role in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln…] (“To Be Dedicated Today. The Great Monument at Washington to the Father of His Country.” The Chicago Tribune, Feb 21, 1885)]
Upon the completion of the Washington Monument 36 years later, the dedication was officiated by a Grand Master Mason in 1885 (W. Post & Slauson, p.211). A year earlier in 1884, the Grand Master of Masons in New York, in full Masonic ceremony, laid the cornerstone of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, designed by French Masons (PhoenixMasonry.org; Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire; “A Secret Society..”)
The national Masonic “magnificent obelisk” Washington Monument’s total height from the ground base to the tip “upon its completion in 1884… .standing 555 feet, 5.125 inches,” according to the U.S. National Park Service. This equates to a series of fives [555ft. + (5+(0.5×0.5×0.5))in.], which in inches is [6665+(.5x.5x.5)], revealing at once both the holiest number in Satanism 555, and the Biblical number of the Beast 666. The World Almanac lists the height as 555.5 feet (U.S. Metric Study, p. 85), or in inches is 6666. This is repeated at the Monument’s ground base, each side being 55.125 feet or [55 + (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5)].
Of the Washington Monument’s total height, the pyramidion on top is 55 feet tall or 660 inches from center to tip. The angle of the slope from the four corners of the pyramidion base to the tip is exactly 66°6´ (Mann, p. 149, 151, 152). The number 555 is symbolized by the pentalpha, the spiritual pentagram representing death, the face and spirit of Satan as the goat of the Sabbath, and as the number 5 also represents light, it is the light of Lucifer-Satan. (Westcott, p. 59; Levi, p. 170, 225, 227; Blavatksy Lucifer Vol. 5, p. 223; Board of Editors, p. 49). The pentagram also represents the worship of the Phallus (Crowley Book of Lies, p. 13). The Devil of the Tarot, Satan the redeemer, is the phallus (Ibid., p. 165) symbolized by the obelisk of the Ancients, which by design, are all esoteric elements of the Washington Monument.
(“Washington Monument: History and Culture.” National Park Service (NPS); Mann, Nicholas. The Sacred Geometry of Washington, D.C. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2007; “Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues. Part II.” Lucifer, Vol. 5. Edited by H.P. Blavatsky and Annie Besant. London: The Theosophical Publishing Co., September 1889 – February 1890, p. 218-233. Journal PDF; Board of Editors (Highest Order 32° & 33° Masons). History of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, and Concordant Orders. Boston, NY & London:The Fraternity Publishing Co., 1893. Book PDF)
The Book of Revelation describes the second Beast (Bible’s fourth) as first “like a flying eagle” (Rev 4:7) and“had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon [Satan]” (Rev. 13:11). While the eagle and the lamb with horns appear to be different animals, they symbolize aspects of the same Beast. The eagle is the esoteric (hidden) Egyptian Phoenix, a symbol of Osiris, son of Saturn-Satan. Where Christ is “Lamb of God” (John 1:29, 36), the Beast appears as the lamb like Christ, but with horns, is the horned goat that speaks as Satan. The horned goat that speaks as Satan is the Satan goat of the Sabbath, i.e. the Ancient Egyptian Goat of Mendes that represents the soul of Satan-incarnate Osiris (Budge Gods of Egyptians Vol. 2, p. 50, 64, 65, 353) that is the face of the pentagram (See figure Pentagon, a pentagram on Hell’s Bottom).
(Budge, Wallis E. A. The Gods of the Egyptians: Or, Studies in Egyptian Mythology, Vol. II. Chicago: Open Court Publishing, 1904. Book PDF)
Thus, all magic and all the figures of occultism are embodied in the Pentagram, “the greatest and most potent of all signs.” (Levi Transcendental Magic, p. 227; Board of Editors [Highest 32° & 33° Masons], p. 102)
(Levi, Eliphas. Transcendental Magic. London: George Redway, 1896. First published in 1855 in French, Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie. Book PDF https://archive.org/details/transcendentalma00leviuoft)
Over thousands of years from the Masons of Ancient Egypt and Babylon to French Masons, these “sacred” Divine numbers are also with exacting precision designed into the Statue of Liberty, esoterically, the Statue of Isis the Whore of Babylon (See figure Statue of Liberty). Not just monuments, but the pentacle, an encircled pentagram, “provides the orientation of nearly all significant avenues in Washington D.C.,” writes Mann on the design layout of the nation’s capital (Mann, p. 95).
And it was this spirit of The Pet Goat of the Ancients that was invoked on the initiation into 9/11.
(Source on Washington Monument: “John Marshall and Earl Warren: The United States Supreme Court and Freemasonry.” Chicago Lodge, http://chicagolodge.org/masonic_articles/marshall_warren.htm; “The Greatest and Best: Brother John Marshall.” MasonicWorld.com; “A Secret Society, Spilling a Few Secrets.” NYT, Apr 10, 2006; Image: Laying of the Washington Monument by a Grand Master Mason. Library of Congress, Color Lithograph c. 1893, Reference Number: LC-USZC4-2450, https://cdn.loc.gov/service/pnp/cph/3g00000/3g02000/3g02400/3g02450v.jpg;
Statue of Liberty: “The Statue of Liberty Designed by Brother Frederic A. Bartholdi.” PhoenixMasonry.org; “Statue of Liberty and Freemasonry.” Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire [UK], circa 2011, PDF at https://www.pglel.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/the_statue_of_liberty_and_freemasonry.pdf; “Statue of Liberty, Frederic A. Bartholdi.” U.S. National Park Service; “Statue Facts.” The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. https://www.libertyellisfoundation.org/statue-facts)
An obelisk in a funeral ritual signified the resurrection of the phallus of the deceased (Whatham, p.73, 74; Wilkinson, Vol. III, p. 77; Budge The Gods of the Egyptians p. 193). The deceased are called by the name of Osiris, son of Satan-Saturn who rules the underworld in the funeral rites of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, “The buttocks of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the buttocks of the Eye of Horus. The phallus of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the phallus of Osiris” (Budge, Book of the Dead: Chapters Coming Forth by Day Vol. 2, p. 96-97).
That is, in funeral rites an obelisk represents the resurrection of Satan-incarnate.
(Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Book of the Dead: The Chapters of Coming, Vol. II. London: Kegan Paul et al., 1898.Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/bookofdeadchapte02budg/page/96; Whatham, A.E. “Phallic Symbolism.” The American Journal of Urology and Sexology, Volume 15. Edited by Henry G. Spooner. New York: Urologic Publishing Association, January 1919, p. 71-77. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/americanjournalo1519unse; Wilkinson , Gardner. The Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, Vol III. London: John Murray, 1878. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/mannerscustomsof03wilk_0)
The Masonic Roots of the $1-Trillion Apple
In Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Isis consecrated the sacred “Generative” Phallus to her brother and husband, Osiris (Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians II, p. 193), “Saith Osiris Ani: Hail phallus” (Budge, Book of the Dead. Papyrus of Ani, p.109), represented as the obelisk in Egypt. The Ancient Pyramid was built in honor of Isis. “In Babylonian-Assyrian hieroglyph, the triangle was the ideogram for woman or female, and also the female pudendum”, i.e. the external female sexual organ. The Babylonian triangle symbolizes the pudendum of the mother-goddess Ishtar, also called the Egyptian Isis, as the crown on the shaft of the obelisk (Whatham, p. 72, 73-74).
(Budge, Wallace E. A. The Book of the Dead. The Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum. Printed by the Order of the Trustees, 1895. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/TheBookOfTheDead-Budge-1895
The Book of the Dead (1895) was translated by Earnest A. Wallis Budge from the Papyrus of Ani, a collection known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Budge was the keeper of the Department Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum. Budge pays homage in one of his books to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a trustee of the British Museum.)
There is not much about the history of the United States that is directly linked to Ancient Egypt, yet by deliberate design, the United States’ most prominent symbols and monuments are those of the Ancients to represent their Pagan Divine – “an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled” in America alluded to by President George W. Bush, a Mason, after he presided over the events of 9/11.
The Ancient Pyramids and obelisks are more commonly associated with Ancient Egypt, but they were derived from the more ancient neighboring country, Babylon (Hager, p. 34-35; Diodorus, p.109; Rollin, p. 67; Ruins p.253, 260). The Babylonian Nimrod and his father originated phallic worship (Garnier, p. 212). The first obelisk was erected as the membrum virilis, the “Generative” shaft of Baal or Belus, i.e. Bel-Nimrod and his father Cush founders of Babylon (Morcombe, p. 151; Whatham, p. 72, 73; Inman, Ancient Pagan, p. 120-121).
(Hager, Joseph. A Dissertation on the Newly Discovered Babylonian Inscriptions. 1801. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/dissertationonne00hage/page/n2; Rollin, Charles. The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Medes and Persians, Grecians and Macedonians, Volume II. New York; Pratt, Woodford & Co. 1844. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/ancienthistorye13lynagoog/page/n5; Ruins of Sacred and Historic Lands. London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1852. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/ruinssacredandh00ruingoog/page/n13;
Morcombe, Joseph E. “The Two Great Pillars – A Study of Lost Significances.” The American Tyler-Keystone: Devoted to Freemasonry… Volume 23, July 1908- June 1909; Whatham, A.E. “Phallic Symbolism.” The American Journal of Urology and Sexology, Volume 15. Edited by Henry G. Spooner. New York: Urologic Publishing Association, January 1919. Journal PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/americanjournalo1519unse; Massey, Gerald. The Natural Genesis, Vol. 1. London: Williams and Norgate, 1883. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/naturalgenesiso00massgoog)
Besides its national monuments and symbols of the Ancient pagans, “[P]erhaps the most persuasive evidence pleading the American’s image of himself as the reincarnated Athenian or Roman is the number, range and persistence of classical-place names…” writes history Professor Zelinsky in 1967. Furthermore, the “peculiarly American practice of memorializing the ancient world of Greece and Rome in the place-names of the United States” without a direct link to the places of antiquity is “a practice limited to the United States.”
(Zelinsky, Wilbur. (1967). “Classical Town Names in the United States: The Historical Geography of an American Idea,” Geographical Review, 57, No. 4: 463-495; Yarwood, Green et al. Washington 101: An Introduction to the Nation’s Capital. Chapter “Rome on the Potomac: The Classical Architecture of Washington”. Palgrave McMillan, 2014; “Ancient Rome on the Potomac.” Sunday Business (UK), 04 Sep 2005; “Tiber River Bridges and the Development of the Ancient City of Rome.” http://www3.iath.virginia.edu/waters/Journal2TaylorNew.pdf)
It is a peculiar practice limited to the United States from its inception because “This is a land of destiny and our forefathers found their way here by some Divine system of selective service gathered here to fulfill a mission to advance man a further step in his climb from the swamps,” said Ronald Reagan on the “special destiny” of the United States in a speech borrowing from the “widely influential scholar of occult philosophy, Manly P. Hall,” the essence of Hall’s The Secret Destiny of America. Reagan was then a corporate spokesman for General Electric. Reagan’s home address was 666 Saint Cloud Road in Bel-Air before changing the number to 668. (“Reagan and the Occult.” Washington Post, Apr 30, 2010; “Reagans Easing into Private Life as Californians.” Los Angeles Times, Nov 19, 1988)
The year 1776 marks the signing of the “Masonic doctrine” (Sherman, p. 5) known as the U.S. Declaration of Independence, the Novus Order Seclorum “New Order of the Ages” immortalized as a Great Seal on the U.S. $1 bill in the symbolism of the Babylonian-Egyptian Ancients: the Pyramid unto Isis, daughter of Satan, the Eye of Lucifer (Osiris son of Saturn-Lucifer-Satan) and his Phoenix soul as the Eagle.At the base of the pyramid in Roman numerals “MDCCLXXVI” represents 1776, which esoterically, reveals Liberty’s hidden mark is 666, the unchanging Biblical number of the Beast in the fulfillment of the hope of the Ancients. (The hidden mark is revealed by dropping the first and every third Roman numeral shown in the figure).
(Sherman, Edwin [33o Mason]. New Edition of the Brief History of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Oakland, CA: Carruthy & Carruth, 1890. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/editionofbrienew00sherrich/page/n7)
“It is no matter of surprise to us that fifty-two out of the fifty-five signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons,” including the first President George Washington, who in “ancient form” knelt before Masonry’s “sacred altar, and humbly sought Masonic light… [N]o other country in the world has Freemasonry found so congenial a home, and flourished with such vigour as in these United States,” writes The Freemason’s Chronicle in early 1889 (p. 115).
(The Freemason’s Chronicle; A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence. Reports of United Grand Lodge are published with the Special Sanction of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, the most Worshipful the Grand Master of England. Vol. 29, No. 737, Feb 23, 1889. Book PDF)
Who are the Masons
Masons were the builders of the Ancient Pyramids and were formerly called matimatici or geometrici. Masons were also called “Sons of Light” (Latimer, March 1884, p.92; March 1885, p. 32). The word light, one of the oldest words in existence, has ancient roots in the Biblical Lucifer meaning “the bringer of light”. The Ancient Pyramid was called A.O.R., which means Light (Ibid.; Masonic Review 1885, p.223), the light of Lucifer: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). The Tower of Babel was described by historians in antiquity as a pyramid that exceeded the heights of the greatest pyramids in Egypt (Rollin, p. 52).
(Latimer, Charles. “The Unveiling of Isis.” The International Standard. Cleveland: The International Institute. Edited by Charles Latimer. Vol. II, No.1, March 1884 and Vol. III, No. 1, March 1885; Masonic Review,Vol. 64, No. 4, Nov. 1885.)
From the description of Herodotus, the Greek historian in antiquity, the purpose of the Tower of Babel was “idolatrous worship, or for seeking communication with the demon gods of Paganism, by which the thought to ‘reach heaven’ and become immortal.” Thus the building of the Tower of Babel, adapted by Egyptians as the pyramid, was an open rebellion against God. The word “Babel” became associated for “confusion” but the original meaning is “bab el” or “Bab il,” “the gate of God” (Garnier, p. 205). Hence, the practice of Pagans to select high places as places of worship.
Through thousands of years of history and preserved through its own symbolism, the Ancient Light of Masonry, then, is also made clear by 33rd Degree Mason Manly P. Hall in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, (bold is my emphasis):
“The day has come when Fellow Craftsman (Freemason) must know and apply their knowledge…When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy” (p. 76).
“The Master Mason is in truth a Sun [Sol 666], a great reflector of light… the glorious power which is the light of the Lodge. He, in truth, has become the spokesman of the Most High… Through him passes Hydra, the great snake, and from its mouth there pours to man the light of God” (p.85).
(Hall, Manly P. The Lost Keys of Masonry or The Secret of Hirim Abiff. Los Angeles: Hall Publishing Co., 1924. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/The.Lost.Keys.Of.Masonry.Manly.P.Hall.1923)
This was written in Holy Scripture of Lucifer over 2,000 years ago,
12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. (Isaiah14)
There can be no ambiguity that Lucifer-Satan is the unnamed “God” of Freemasonry, given cover with the name “God,” the name used by Christians. What Master Mason Manly Hall describes is the initiation to become a member of the Supreme Council 33, whose members are the 33 highest degree Masons in the world, explains former Satanist John Todd.
The Supreme Council of 33 of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry national headquarters is located about one mile from the White House (1733 16th St NW, Washington, D.C.).
“To be a member of the Council of the 33, you must take a human life in a ceremony to prove your worthiness” (Tape 6B) as “the warrior on the block” rite Manly Hall alludes to is human sacrifice (Tape 3A), explains former Satanist John Todd. The Supreme Council 33 comprises the Grand Masters, who are the 33 highest witchcraft-practicing i.e. demon-worshipping Masons in the world, and are second highest in the Illuminati hierarchy (John Todd, Tape No. 2, 6:03; Holy Bible Galatians 5:19-21; Deuteronomy 18:10-12).
The term Illuminati means “bringer of light” with ancient roots in the Biblical Lucifer, which also means “bringer of light.” If Illuminati sounds a tad exotic, there are options such as Lucifer, Devil, Satan or Beast. The secret Order, founded in 1776 by the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Law at the University of Ingolstadt, was dedicated to the overthrow of governments. The Illuminati was raided by the Bavarian police in 1786, and by Bavarian state order, dissolved the Illuminati which presumably ceased to exist, and published their documents (Sutton Establishment, p. 212). Sutton notes because the documents were published, there is authentic information about the Order’s organization and its methods that were examined by Professor John Robison, a Scottish physicist and mathematician, in his book, Proofs of a Conspiracy, first published in 1797.
(Sutton, Antony. America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones. Trine Day, 2002. First published 1983. Book archived https://archive.org/details/pdfy-gQwmlOGtvSLcF_zO/page/n3; Robison, John. Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe: Carried on in The Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies, first published in 1Philadelphia: T. Dobson, 1798. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/proofsofconspira00r; “How the Secret Illuminati Society Really Did Start in Germany.” The Local [Germany], May 9, 2017)
“I have considered everything and so prepared it, that if the Order should this day go to ruin, I shall in a year re-establish it more brilliant than ever,” wrote Weishaput, Illuminati founder, in the event the Illuminati’s demise (Robinson, p. 147, 148; Stauffer, Vernon. New England and the Bavarian Illuminati. Ph.D. Dissertation. Columbia University, 1918)
The dissolution of the Illuminati in Bavaria coincided with its reemergence at Yale University, a chapter of the German secret society known as the Order of the Skull and Bones founded in 1833 with essentially the same aims, concluded Sutton (Establishment, p. 212-214). Antony Sutton was an economics professor and a research fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University from 1968 to 1973, where he wrote the 3-volume series Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development. Sutton was forced out for showing that the American Establishment built the communist Soviet Union and the war machines of Nazi Germany and financed Hitler to power.
(Sutton, Antony. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development. Stanford University: Hoover Institution Press. Vol. I https://archive.org/details/Sutton–Western-Technology-1917-1930; Vol. II https://archive.org/details/Sutton–Western-Technology-1930-1945; Vol. III https://archive.org/details/Sutton–Western-Technology-1945-1965; Interview “Western Technology & Soviet Economic Development (1987)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JPMLj8pxWo)
The religion of the Illuminati is Luciferian, but it is a political and financial organization, explains John Todd. The Illuminati’s internal documents stated as much: “By this plan, we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all politician transactions” (Robison, p. 147).
If Illuminati, Lucifer, Devil, Satan or Beast sounds old-fashioned, the contemporary term is the Council on Foreign Relations.
“The Illuminati name is not used much anymore except by everyday people who find out about it. Witches don’t use it; the organization doesn’t use it. …In the United States, the Illuminati is called the Council on Foreign Relations” run by David Rockefeller, the second most important man in the Illuminati, explains John Todd. The brain trust of the CFR is the Trilateral Commission (Tape 1A, 3A 4A). The Rothschilds’ priests or private ministers are the Council of 13 (Tape 3), of which John Todd was a member. The next level down is the Council of 33 of Masons and below them is the Council of 500, which many on the outside refer to as the Bilderberg Group or Bilderbergers (Tape 7A).
Chinese Illuminati The British and American CFR (British Chatham House, Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA))-Trilateral-Bilderberg et el. “Illuminati” organization works “hand in glove” with an Illuminati family in China, the Li family, according to Fritz Springmeier (p. 184), author of Bloodlines of the Illuminati (2007). The Li family is one of the oldest families in China and they started the Chinese intelligence around the year 1400 (Springmeier, p. 166). This can be said of the Rockefeller family in the United States, whose agents formed the CIA [OSS], one being CIA Director Allen Dulles who formed the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The Li family is akin to the money and power of the Rockefellers in the United States, both of whom are closely connected with the Rothschilds. (Springmeier, Fritz. Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Oregon: Pentracks Publication, 2007, 3rd Edition. First published in 1995.) Both Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao are part of the inner circle of the Chinese Illuminati Li family, according to Springmeier (p. 172). This information was in Springmeier’s first publication in 1995 when China’s President was Jiang Zemin (1989-2002). If outcomes can serve as a proxy for what is hidden, what can one observe since Springmeier’s1995 publication. Hu Jintao succeeded Jiang Zemin as China’s General Secretary-President from 2002 to 2012. This means that until China’s current President Xi Jinping (2012-current), two from the inner circle of the CFR-Trilateral “Illuminati” controlled China in the recent past nearly 25 years. What can one observe of China’s President Xi Jinping. Within two years of taking office, President Xi Jinping purged some 300,000 Chinese officials for corruption; other reports put this purge at over 1,000,000, “on a scale not seen since the days of Mao Zedong.” The purge includes former President Hu Jintao’s top aide, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, Hu Jintao’s chief of domestic security, and China’s former President Jiang Zemin. Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao call on President Xi to stop his anti-corruption campaign, reports the Financial Times. It is too much they say. (A glance at the headlines: “China’s Former Leaders Tell Xi to Halt Anti-Corruption Campaign.” The Diplomat, Apr 4, 2014; “Spain Issues Arrest Order for China’s Ex-Leader [Jiang Zemin].” CBS, Nov 19, 2013; “Ex China Premier Wen Jiabao States Innocence in Letter to Hong Kong Columnist.” SCMP, Jan 19, 2014 “Zhou Yongkang, Ex-Security Chief in China [under Hu Jintao], Gets Life Sentence for Graft.” NYT, Jun 11, 2015; “China Charges Hu Jintao Aide Ling Jihua with Corruption.” BBC, May 13, 2016; “Former Chinese President Hu Jintao’s Aide Arrested on Corruption Charges.” The Guardian, Jul 21, 2015;; “Corruption Inquiry Draws Nearer to Former Chinese Prime Minister [Wen Jiabao].” NYT, Feb 7, 2018; “Son of Chinese ex-Premier Wen Jiabao Arrested.” Taiwan News, Jan 10, 2018; “China Targets Senior Official in Corruption Crackdown.” The Guardian, Dec 22, 2014; “Charting China’s ‘Great Purge’ under Xi.” BBC, Oct 23, 2017; “Wen Jiabao’s £1.68 Billion Family Weath.” The Guardian, Oct 26, 2012; “Exclusive: China Seizes $14.5 Billion Assets from Family, Associates of Ex-Security Chief.” Reuters, Mar 30, 2014;“Ex-President Jiang Urges Beijing to Curb Anti-Corruption Drive.” Financial Times, Mar 21, 2014; “High-Ranking Chinese Intelligence Officer Jailed for Life in Corruption Case.” Sputnik, Dec 27, 2018) In 2017, the BBC reports a top Chinese official claimed “several high-ranking members of the Communist Party had plotted to seize power from President Xi Jinping.” The plotters included former President Hu Jintao’s trusted aide Ling Jihua and former security chief Zhou Yongkang, and General Fang Fenghui, long allied with former President Jiang Zemin, who proclaimed, “I’ll kill in one shot whoever dares to remove the old leading cadre.” (“Top Chinese Officials ‘Plotted to Overthrow Xi Jinping’.” BBC, Oct 20, 2017; “Fang Fenghui: China’s Ex-Top General Jailed for Life.” BBC, Feb 20, 2017; “Why General Fang Fenghui Was Purged.” The Diplomat, Jan 14, 2018) In 2018, the CFR et al. “Illuminati” press condemns China’s “bombshell” decision under President Xi Jinping to eliminate the presidential two-term limit with words such as dictator, as Xi advances the Belt and Road Initiative “BRI” or “New Silk Road” to build vast infrastructure across Asia to Europe – the land mass called Eurasia – for trade and economic development. The Rothschild-Rockefellers’ CFR-et al. “Illuminati” built the war machines of the Nazi Reich and financed Adolf Hitler[Rothschild] to power and upon the destruction of nations in Europe rounded them up into the European Union and formed its euro currency (see Leave the EU series). (“’Dictator for life’: Xi Jinping’s Power Grab Condemned as Step Towards Tyranny.” The Guardian, Feb 26, 2018; “Dictatorship Nearly Destroyed China Once. Will It Do So Again?” Washington Post, Mar 5, 2018) [Springmeier Lecture in 1995 “Fritz Springmeier 13 Illuminati Bloodlines” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu7nwOLTvkI. This video had been on YouTube since August 2015. I accessed the video in June 2018 in writing this piece, and by September, Alphabet’s Google-YouTube deleted the video, so they no longer wait until after my writings are published. Here is a copy of the mp4 video split into three parts due to size limits: Springmeier95-1, Springmeier95-2, Springmeier95-3 It seems there is the Springmeier before and after prison. In some recent interviews author Springmeier dismisses the role of the Papacy and the Holy Bible’s number of the Beast 666. In a 2016 interview Springmeier remarked how America is lost if Trump is not elected president, an odd statement given that the “Illuminati” groomed Trump (see post from last year). It raises questions about whether Springmeier says some things of own volition after being imprisoned for eight years, given that according to some accounts, John Todd was murdered. Springmeier says John Todd in 1978 speaks of knowledge of the occult, i.e. Satanism and inner workings of the “Illuminati” that had taken him over 20 years of research to piece together. Springmeier’s Bloodlines 1995 Edition (PDF) can be found at https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/FC/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf] |
In terms of credibility, had John Todd, like Rothschild-Rockefellers’ protégé Henry Kissinger, a key figure of the CFR-Trilateral-Bilderberg “Illuminati”, ordered secret bombings of Cambodia and Laos in the 1960s that exceeded all the allied bombs dropped during WWII against defenseless nations as the CIA’s covertly owned and operated Air America airplanes, insured by Rockefeller’s ROLIBEC, airlifted cocaine to the U.S. to destroy American lives, John Todd would have skipped the psychiatric ward for the White House, awarded Kissinger’s Nobel Peace Prize, become U.S. National Security Advisor and advise U.S. presidents.
[From 1964 to 1973, some 270 million bombs were dropped on Laos, an impoverished country with a population of 2.5 million. That’s roughly 110 bombs per adult and child. Perhaps the spiritual side of genocide should be called Satanic ritual sacrifice. (“Deaths from Below in the Most Bombed Country.” Irish Times, May 13, 2017)]
At the top of the Illuminati, i.e. CFR-Trilateral, is the Council of 13, the witches, i.e. demon worshippers, who are “nothing but glorified bankers” (Tape 6B) who seek to control the world through America (Tape 4A). “Its power is finance,” says former Satanist John Todd (Tapes 3A). [I had no idea starting out six years ago writing about levitating The Black Hole of fraudulent banks and mortgage bonds that it would come down to Satan’s Beasts and its banker witches.]
Over a decade before John Todd, the future President Bill Clinton’s mentor, Professor Quigley said the same thing in 1966:
“[The aim of the international bankers was] nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland” (Quigley Tragedy & Hope, p. 324)
[(Quigley, Carroll. Tragedy and Hope. New York: Macmillan Co., 1966. Book PDF and The Anglo-American Establishment. New York: Books in Focus, 1981. Book PDF at http://www.carrollquigley.net/pdf/The_Anglo-American_Establishment.pdf; “The Clinton Lectures” at https://www.georgetown.edu/clinton-lectures.html ; “William Jefferson Clinton. Democratic Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address delivered 16th July 1992, New York, NY,” http://www.carrollquigley.net/misc/Clinton-1992-acceptance-speech.htm.
Quigley (1910-1977) was given access to the internal archives of one of the power centers of the Rothschild-Rockefeller et al. Establishment for a two-year study. Professor Antony Sutton suggests the documents had been vetted to conceal the manipulations of the Establishment (Sutton Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, p. 168-169). Quigley identified its members in Anglo-Establishment (1949), but the book was not published until 1981 after his death.]
And over 2,000 years before Quigley, the Holy Bible warned: 12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12). In other words, on the spiritual side of The Black Hole, the Beast Empires are ruled by the instruments of Satan.
If one compares the names of The Anglo-American Establishment (1948) written by Professor Carroll Quigley, and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (1974) and America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (2002) by Professor Antony Sutton, and The Gods of Money (2010) by F. William Engdahl to Bloodlines of the Illuminati (1995) by Fritz Springmeier and John Todd’s 8-hours of testament, one could say that Luciferian-Satanic would characterize the spiritual side of the Anglo-American Establishment.
Who is (was) John Todd and the Illuminati-CFR-Trilateral-Bilderberg et al. In fall 1978, Lance Collins (Kollyns), known by his main alias John Todd, gave a series of talks at the Elkton Maryland Baptist Church warning about the Illuminati. Based on the tapes, the Kollyns/Collins family was part of the original group that organized the Illuminati in 1776, and whose ship brought witchcraft along with Puritans to the U.S. in 1626. John Todd was groomed since childhood into Satanism to take his place on the Council of 13, the highest level within the Illuminati, at least the highest he is allowed to know, Todd acknowledges. The fact that Rothschild-Rockefellers’ CFR-Trilateral-Bilderberg “Illuminati” Kissinger was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize for drug-trafficking and genocide, and Todd imprisoned in a psychiatric ward suggests there are higher levels. Audio recordings of John Todd’s personal testimonial archived at https://archive.org/details/JohnToddFormerIlluminatiOccultMemberGivesTestimonyOfInvolvementIn. Transcripts, appear to be auto-generated: 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B were found at http://www.jamesjpn.net/conspiracy/john-todd-the-illuminati-and-witchcraft/#toddaudio) The Rothschilds family is called Lucifer-Satan’s “Holy Family” (Tape 1A) and “are not considered humans by the occult world. They are considered gods… sons and daughters of Lucifer dwell in these human bodies. And when a Rothschild dies, they go into the next Rothschild born… And believe me, they are treated as gods. They created, founded the Illuminati” (Tape 5B). The Council of 13 takes orders from the London Rothschilds, who themselves “take orders directly from Lucifer” (Tapes 1A, 1B, 6A, 2A). The devil is not “spread out all over the place. He is one being. He’s not God… If Lucifer is standing here this very moment, he’s nowhere else in the whole universe. Usually he’s at the Rothschild house to give them orders.” (Tape 2A) To John Todd’s credit, Pope Francis Vicarius Filii Dei (666) did say Lucifer-Satan is a person, which the Holy Bible identified as the 666 Beast Popes of the Church of Rome. The patriarch Maier Amschel Rothschild’s third son, Karl Rothschild, “had the great task of regulating the finances of the Pope in distant Italy,” wrote Ignatious Balla, whose book The Romance of the Rothschilds the Rothschilds threatened in 1913 to suppress (p. 141). [The second eldest son, Baron Salomon of the Austrian banking house, was apparently also busy with his maid, and years later, begot grandson Adolf Hitler[Rothschild] whom the Vatican would put in power…Upcoming. The Pope did say Satan is smart.] The realm of the supernatural (Exodus 8:7; Exodus 7:9-12; Galatians 5:19-21; Deuteronomy 18:10-12) and Satan can be an uneasy topic but the Holy Bible is one of the few to give some credence to John Todd. If one were the world’s richest, the chances of taking orders from Lucifer-Satan are significantly higher than taking orders from God, as according to Luke 18:25, “For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Hence the adage, one cannot serve two masters. (Balla, Ignatius. The Romance of the Rothschilds. G.P. Putnam Sons, 1913. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/romanceofrothsch00balluoft; “How the Rothschild Fortune of $2,000,000,000 was Made.” NYT, Jan 26, 1913; “The House of Rothschild… Fortune Too Large to be Computed.” Chicago Daily Tribune, April 8, 1878)
John Todd, then nearly 30 years of age, spoke of overseeing drug running, tasked by the Illuminati (CFR et al) to pay off and control political and religious figures (see figure Praise the Lord) in his 13-state jurisdiction, and translated orders to them instructions that came from the London Rothschilds (Tape 6A). John Todd and those who came to know him after this defection or have researched his background, say he was hunted down, framed for rape and imprisoned, thrown into a psychiatric institution, then murdered for exposing the inner workings of the Illuminati-CFR-Trilateral-Bilderberg. One looks for “spin” in some 8 hours of audio recordings of John Todd’s personal testament. He is among the few who understands it is not a “Zionist conspiracy” (Tape 4A) and that the Illuminati, occult, Zionism, communism, Freemasonry, left, right et al. (Tape 3A) and their fronts polished to achieve an intellectual patina have the same author, i.e. the “glorified bankers” of Satan. Even Luciferians, who believe Lucifer is the true “God” and do not worship Satan, and Satanists, who believe in Satan, are pit against each other; to the Bible there is no difference. John Todd explains, “It’s like the illuminati. They own countries. They don’t pick sides. In a way they cause the war and set both countries against each other even though both countries belong to them. They don’t have sides… That’s where the confusion of the game is” (Tape 1B). It is the Hegelian dialectic that Professor Sutton explains in Establishment. On the spiritual side of my writings, these Hegelian constructs deflect from the two Beasts. What is clear is John Todd’s deep knowledge of the occult, i.e. Satanism, as he says, passed down to him over the centuries through these Satanic bloodlines. What is unusual and perhaps for the first time, John Todd lays out the spiritual side of the top echelon powers of finance and their CFR-Bilderberg-Trilateral- et al. institutions. His occult knowledge goes back thousands of years to the Ancients, some which can be found by poring over centuries-old books cited in my writings, but knowledge like John Todd’s also speaks of direct experience. “He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.” (Daniel 2:22) |
The idea being, the “Illuminati” CFR-Bilderberg-Trilateral et al., “glorified bankers” is but the intellectual front of a vast interconnected structure that Springmeier in his 1995 lecture calls SPIN network, or in spiritual terms, the Beast Empire’s instruments of Satan. Even to 1921, the Rothschilds, who manage Revelation’s first Beast Church of Rome’s finances, Morgans et al. were not known as bankers, but as “merchants” (Moody, p. 5, 6), a Medieval term used in the Holy Bible over 2,000 years ago to describe the “great men of the earth” who became rich by serving the Beast “for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived”:
3For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies [Papacy “Whore of Babylon”)]… 9shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning…
15The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 16And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!…
21Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. 23…for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived… 24And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. (Holy Bible, Rev.18 bold is my emphasis)
(Moody, John. The Masters of Capital. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921, Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/masterscapital00moodgoog).
The president of Fordham University, Rev. Robert I. Gannon, in 1967, became the first Catholic Jesuit to speak at the Masonic order in New York to the standing ovation of 5,000 Freemasons. The Jesuit Gannon says that Freemasons of the world have joined forces not only with the Catholic Knights of Columbus, but may
“wake up some morning… and joined … the Jesuits… .In our breathless effort to straighten out the world and be its moral as well as financial leaders.” The Roman Catholic Order of Jesuits swear obedience to the Popes. (“Masons Cheer Talk by Jesuit, the First Such Address Here.” NYT, 13 Mar 1967)
One such knight is Jesuit-educated Peter Sutherland, the Pope’s Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Gregory, chairman of Goldman Sachs International and member of the Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission, says the European Union (whose select leaders kept obedient by feedings of the Beast Empire’s disposable little children crusaders for pedophilia, e.g. Bonacci case in Omaha, Nebraska, Dutroux court case in Belgium, Britain’s pedophile knight Jimmy Savile and Westminster-linked intelligence rings) should do its best to undermine the “national homogeneity,” the semantics to dissolve what remains of the national sovereignty of countries rounded up into the European Union.
(“Peter Sutherland: 25 April 1946 – 7 January 2018.” University College Dublin, Jan 7, 2018; “Former WTO, Goldman and BP chief Peter Sutherland dies at 71.” Reuters, Jan 7, 2018; “EU Should ‘Undermine National Homogeneity’ Says UN Migration Chief.” BBC, Jun 21, 2012; DeCamp, John. The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/TheFranklinCover-upByFormerGreenBeretJohnDecamp)
On the spiritual side of The Black Hole inhabited by the two Beasts of Revelation, a glance at the “merchants” trillion-billionaires Rothschilds and their attendants Rockefellers, Bill Gates, Paul Volcker, Henry Kissinger, heads of Fortune 500 companies, heads of intelligence, heads of Governments that “fornicate” with the Beasts at Bilderberg. (“Vatican Official Explains Why Cardinal Parolin Attended Bilderberg Meeting.” National Catholic Register, June 15, 2018; “Bilderberg 2012.” The Guardian, June 5, 2012; “The Power Gallery: Bilderberg 2010.” The Guardian, June 9, 2010)
Note that some names are made visible for others to remain invisible. “When you read something about the Sassoons [intermarried with Rothschilds] its usually only because they want you to know not because you have found out about it on your own,” said Allan Greenspan, former chairman of their Federal Reserve private banking system. (“The World’s Most Powerful and Exclusive Fortunes.” M2 Presswire, Jan 9, 2014; Engdahl on Not So Known Origins of Bilderberg at http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO17Dec2016.php .Excerpt of his book, The Think Tanks https://www.zeit-fragen.ch/en/numbers/2016/no-819-april-2016/think-tanks-the-invisible-power.html)
Freemasons. Papal Knights. Jesuits. Illuminati et al.
Pember describes these secret societies: “Of her long concealed history, which has been at last brought to the light by the discoveries at Nineveh and Babylon… It appears that a secret organization of unbelievers was formed soon after the death of Nimrod, at a time when open apostasy was dangerous, and that its members established their headquarters at Babylon. From that centre they labored with ceaseless activity to confuse and destroy the knowledge of Jehovah in the world, and to bring men under the yoke of demon-gods” (Pember, p. 134-135).
Esoterically, it explains why the most prominent national monuments of the United States, the Washington Monument and Statue of Liberty, brought to fruition by Freemasons embody the Satanic Freemasonic numbers 555 and 666 of the Ancient beacon of light to Lucifer, and Washington D.C. built on the 77o Meridian, along the earth’s cardinal points and alignment to the stars designed to venerate Satan to bring chaos in the world.
Plato, the Greek philosopher initiated into the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, in his work Timaeus which speaks of Atlantis, “teaches that from the number seven was generated the Soul of the World, Anima Mundana (Adam Kadmon)” (Westcott, p. 75). Adam Kadmon is the two-sexed hermaphrodite Serpent Spirit is Adam (from the story of Creation) is Osiris is the son of Satan is the Jewish Saviour Angel Metatron (Angel Iesua), the Messiah (Dunlap Ghebers of Hebron, p. 647-648, 650, 676, 677, 678, 943, 957; Cox, p. 30-31). [More in a few moments on Cube of Saturn-Satan ≡ Metatron Cube…]
(Plato. The Timaeus of Plato. Translated by R.D. Archer Hind. London: MacMillan & Col., 1888. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/timaeusofplato00platiala/page/66; Dunlap, Samuel Fales. The Ghebers of Hebron: an Introduction to the Gheborim in the Lands of the Sethim, the Moloch Worship, the Jews as Brahmans… New York: Trow Printing Co., 1894. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/ghebersofhebroni00dunl/page/274)
For Biblically speaking, what is the difference between Jews “which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2:9) and “The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth…that great city [Church of Rome], which reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17: 5, 18).
The number seven and its multiplicity with number 11, i.e. 77, 777 of Adam is “magical power in perfection” (Crowley 777, p. 44), where “magic” is demonic spirits. To Luciferians-Satanists, Adam is the Saviour son of Lucifer, explains former Satanist John Todd in 1978.
In the year 1777, June 14, Congress established the U.S. flag with 13 stripes, red and blue, the Union of 13 stars, white in a blue field representing the new constellation (Latimer, p. 99). Esoterically, the “777” in 1777 represents the magical spirit of Satan in Goat-form and is the redeeming force of Satan (Crowley Book of Lies, p. 164, 165), the spirit of Osiris-Nimrod that marks the Great Seal of the United States with E Pluribus Unum, which means, “From the nations of the earth one is selected to rule them” (Heavlin, p. 20). Selected not by God, according to the Holy Bible, but by Satan to “exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him” (Rev.13:12), Revelation’s first Beast being “… the great whore…BABYLON THE GREAT…that great city [Rome], which reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Rev.17:1, 5,18).
Nearly 140 years ago, Pember observed similarly:“The name, Mystery, Babylon the Great, intimates that in some enigmatical sense the woman is Babylon, although we are told in plain terms that she is Rome… [W]e find that each of the two great cities was in its turn the seat of her power, so that she was identified with one of them in earlier times, and with the other in a later age. For we have here exhibited to us that great organization, that instrument of Satan for deceiving and enslaving the hearts of men” (Pember, p. 34).
(Pember, George. The Great Prophecies Concerning the Gentiles, the Jews, and the Church of God. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1887. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/greatpropheciesc00pembuoft/page/116 or 1881 edition https://archive.org/details/greatprophecies00pembgoog/page/n4 )
The seat of Satan, first established in Babylon, not only moved into the Church of Rome given knowledge revealed up to Pembers’ time, but to Rome “II” Revelation’s second Beast (the Bible’s fourth Beast) seeded by the Church of Rome as put forth in my writings.
To Pember’s time, Revelation’s second Beast (Bible’s fourth of four Beasts) had not yet been identified, at least from published old works I have come across, but Pember gives a rather accurate interpretation of the two Beasts of Revelation (Bible’s last two Beasts), given present knowledge:
“The moral features of two powers are the same. Both of them are violent and blasphemous oppressors of God’s people: both dare to defy the Powers of heaven, the Most High… Both exist at the same time… Both become exceedingly great upon the earth, and destroy terribly… Scarcely would there be room in the world for two such beings at the same time: the descriptions seem to be of one and the same person” (Pember, p. 99-100).
This Beast “assumes much of the outward grace and beauty of Greece, while retaining the might and force of Rome” (Pember p. 103), the “compound form of Roman power which shall include all the territories, the strength, and the characteristics, of the four empires” (Pember, p. 116).
In other words, there is no other nation, i.e., empire or hegemon on earth, whose esoteric (hidden) and known historical development is so manifest to be Revelation’s second Beast, for it vaunts itself to greater glory than the Biblical “whore of Babylon” Catholic Church of Rome that seeded it:
Upon that hill [Capitoline Hill] stands the Capitol of a greater republic than Rome, when seated on her seven hills, from her throne of beauty she ruled the world, wrote The Washington Post of Washington, D.C. in 1903. (& Slauson, p. 3)
The Old Testament describes how this Beast “will rule the world”: “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces” (Daniel 7:23). In order to do so, the Beast must have a mighty military.
Of all nations on earth, the United States maintains nearly 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and territories abroad, compared to Britain, France and Russia that have about 30 foreign bases combined. In 2017, the U.S. spends more on defense spending than the next seven countries combined, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, United Kingdom and Japan. (“Where in the World Is the U.S. Military?” Politico, July/Aug 2015; “The United States Spends More on Defense than the Next Seven Countries Combined.” Peter G. Peterson Foundation, PDF.)
[And if footsteps of Satan’s Beasts have been parked at my computer, when one has been identified as the Beast, the thing to do is to front-run and deflect onto other nations, such as Politico’s “Russia to China: Together We Can Rule the World” (Feb 17, 2019) as my writings is about to be published.]
Hence, any blood Sabbaths of Satan by its two Beasts is initiated with incantations of “Freedom,” “Democracy,” and “Liberty.” On the spiritual side of The Black Hole, this is precisely the ritual in 1999 when the “Demons of Democracy,” the [CIA] U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED), unleashed its “World Movement for Democracy” with NATO’s humanitarian 2,300 “freedom” missiles and 14,000 “liberty” bombs raining down on Yugoslavia for its baptism, and initiated by the flaming towers in America, set the Middle East on fire in 2001 with its Babylonian ISIS black-garbed goddettes of war set loose over the Liberty rubble of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya onward to Yemen, Syria, Philippine, Venezuela … the world.
How fitting that one year before the long-ago prepared scripts involving 9/11, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the role of Adam in the movie, The 6th Day (See 9/11 Script figure, last image). Of all possible names, Adam is the Biblical name of the first man God created. To Satanists/ Luciferians, Adam is the son of Satan/Lucifer who created the world, explained Master Mason Ward (p. 282) and former Satanist John Todd. The 6th Day with Adam alludes to the creation of Adam on the sixth and last day of Creation in the Book of Genesis (Massey, Natural Genesis Vol. II, p. 56; Genesis 1:26, 31).
(Massey, Gerald. The Natural Genesis, Vol. II. London: Williams & Norgate, 1883. Book PDF. 2008 reprint archived at https://archive.org/details/TheNaturalGenesisvolume2/page/n4)
In the same movie image of The 6th Day, the double XX, esoterically, pays homage to Adam’s creator in two different ways: Roman numeral X is the “perfect” number 10, the Shekinah, represented by the Divine Name Adonai (Crowley 777, p. 10). Adonai is none other than Osiris is Nimrod of the Beast Babylonian Empire. Less obvious is the line crossing through XX forms at its center an A and the mirror upside down A. Freemasons use the A or G to stand for “God,” their “Grand Architect,” the god of “Generation” represented by the phallus, which is a symbol of demonic worship and the symbol of the Devil of the Tarot. Thus Lucifer-Satan is the Architect, the true “God” of the world and his son Adam. (Levi Transcendental Magic, p. 227; Board of Editors [Highest 32° & 33° Masons], p. 102)
Which is to say, Hollywood has a deeper understanding of the Holy Bible than perhaps most folks who profess to believe in God, which makes it easier to mock God’s faithful whose “eyes are wide shut,” as renowned movie director Stanley Kubrik was so keenly aware.
And on Adam’s birthday, exactly two times are shown on his schedule, 9:00 a.m. and 11:a.m., and a message that reads “Happy Birthday Adam” as on September 11 (9/11), at about 9 a.m., two inferno Towering “candles” pillars are about to be lit and some 3,000 people blown out like inferno candles in the wind as other millions – black, brown, white, straight, crooked, left and right et al. – are baptized with all manner of cancers from Rockefellers’ magical asbestos dust, bomb dust, vaporized humans dust, jet fuel et al.
(“September 11 – Death Toll Could Rise By Millions from ‘Toxic’ Asbestos Dust.” 9News Corp [Australia], June 3, 2017; “Children Exposed to 9/11 ‘Dust’ Show Signs of Heart Disease Risk.” New York Daily News, Sept 7, 2017; “Nearly 10K People Have Gotten Cancer from Toxic 9/11 Dust.” New York Post, Aug 11, 2018; “Number of Ground Zero Responders with 9/11-Linked Cancers Hits 3,700.” New York Post, Aug 9, 0215; “9/11 ‘Dust Lady’ Succumbs to Cancer.” New York Post, Aug 25, 2015; James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen. “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.” The Open Chemical Physics Journal, April 2009. Article PDF at https://benthamopen.com/TOCPJ/VOLUME/2/; “Scientist Who Studied 9/11 Dust Dies.” CNN, Jul 13, 2015)
This seems an impossible scene scripted long ago, unless one is so exceptional as to not be spit upon and offered up as disposable ritual sacrifice unto Satan.
Other hints of planning for the momentous Birthday Party and gift to Lucifer-Satan incarnate on 9/11 were marked in Hollywood films at least 20 years earlier. For instance, the movie producers of Gremlins (1984) liked the numbers 9 and 11 so much on the radio dial in a scene that the numbers were repeated again six years later in Gremlins II (2000) in a scene with reporters’ microphones marked 9 and 11. Or the movie Independence Day (1996) released in the holy satanic number of five years before the events of September 11, 2001, a scene shows the countdown at exactly “00:09:11:01” to “Independence Day” – for Lucifer-Satan incarnate. (See figure “’Eyes Wide Shut’ to The Black Hole’s Spiritual Side on 9/11”)
In the Ancients, where the sacred tower or pillar is erected, the holy center of the city is established. In the East, “the shrine of the god, who at first is always the obelisk… or ‘creating one,’ is the center of all old cities.” A human sacrifice in the rites of dedication provides a ghost to inhabit the site, such that “the ghost of inferior men might serve the mightier spirit,” explains Morcombe, a Mason and editor of the Masonic magazine, The American Tyler-Keystone: Devoted to Freemasonry (p. 150, 197).
Human Sacrifice to Purchase the Aid of Demons The intention of living victims being buried in foundations of the pillars is to provide a ghost so the pillar or tower might be regard as sacred, or the ghost being turned into a god. The anointing or sprinkling of pillars with blood was intended to appease the ghost, and more nourished, might more likely grant favors. Blood sacrifice was the supreme offering to the dead (Morcombe, p. 103-104, 297) as human sacrifices offered to the demon gods was a condition for purchasing the aid of demons, instituted by the Masonry’s ancient Babylonian Nimrod and his father Cush, (Garnier, p. 212).
A memorial or monument, particularly to mark the September 11 national trauma – for Hollywood, Satan-incarnate’s birthday gift – requires planning and deliberate thinking about the design as symbols to imbue meaning. As such, the deliberate design of the 9/11 Memorial to the dead and many more dying resembles two inverted black cubes, a variation on the esoteric Black Saturn-Satan Cube and the hidden mark of Freemasonry of the Ancients, for Saturn the Satan, was founder and builder of the first Beast Empire, Babylon. Instituted by the Masonry’s ancient Babylonian Nimrod and his father Cush, human sacrifices offered to the demon gods was a condition for purchasing the aid of demons (Garnier, p. 212).
The oath to the god was made with hands on the stones of tombs or the flat altar stone – a cornerstone in modern times – atop the grave, so the deified dead can witness this covenant to their god (Ibid., Morcombe) and punish those who violate the covenant. “The Druid pillars of the uncovered temples were always laid upon human bodies,” explains Morcombe (Morcombe, p. 150; Reade, p.101). In Gaul and Britain, the Druids were Priests of secret societies dating back to ancient times of Assyrians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, the Persian Magi (Reade, p. 51; 52; Michigan Freemason, p. 183).
The Druid initiation rites go back to the Egyptian rites of human sacrifice, explained British historian William Reade in 1907 (Reade, p. 51, 52), long before John Todd was born. “The initiations of Masons are so similar to those of the Druids…,” according to historian Reade (p. 184) as are the rites of Masons rites with witchcraft, i.e. demonic worship rites, John Todd explained in 1978 (Tape 6B).
John Todd said that human sacrifice is part of the initiation rites of the Council of 33; these are the highest 33rd Degree Masons, the second highest level in Rothschilds-Rockefellers’ CFR-Trilateral-Bilderberg et al. global “Illuminati”.
If the initiation rites of the Council of 13 of Masons require human sacrifice, then logic suggests the human sacrifice required at the apex of Rothschilds’ Grand Druid Council of “glorified bankers” must be on a spectacular scale, as with the “seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability” in sacrificial offerings to “purchase” the aide or curry the favor of Satan.
(Reade, William W. The Veil of Isis; Or, Mysteries of the Druids. New York: Peter Eckler, 1907. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/veilofisisormys00read/page/n3; “Druids.” The Michigan Freemason: A Monthly Magazine, Devoted to Masonic Home Literature, Vol. VII. Edited by W.J. Chaplin. Michigan: Kalamazo Publishing Co., 1876. Book PDF.)
Hence, a grand ritual would be incomplete without monuments to commemorate the offerings.
In the origin of heathen mythology, i.e. paganism, Adam, or Adan in Greek or Adanus, was also called Saturn, under whom the Greeks call Adam, writes theologian and professor of physics, Stillingfleet in A.D. 1662 (p. 591). According to Diodorus and other historians living in the time of antiquity, Saturn had been a man and the first of Men, the Son of Heaven and Earth, as was Adam. After disobeying God, Adam hiding from God gave rise to the name Saturn, from Satar to hide (Stillingfleet, p. 591; Nolan, p. 107). Saturn “the hidden one” is the Devil, hidden or disguised as a serpent, the Man of Satan (Hislop, p. 483; Heavlin, p.; Nolan, p. 107). This is told in the Book of Genesis when God gave Adam and Eve the Garden of Eden except one forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil:
“Ye Shall be Gods,” says the Serpent Satan, the Bane of Humanity
16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it.” (Genesis 2:16-17)… .4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Genesis (3:4-5)… .Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God…” Genesis (3:8) after disobeying God.
The ancients decreed that gods were originally men whose virtues raised them to the stars, the oldest and chief god of antiquity, Bel-Saturn, was the “First Man” Adam, the sun-god Saturn (Dunlap Vestiges, p. 53, 307; Nolan, p. 92, 107, 164), Freemasonry and Luciferian-Satanist’s-incarnate “God” the Creator and “Great Architect” of the world.
(Stillingfleet, Edward. Origines Sacrae: Or a Rational Account of the Grounds of the Christian Faith and Divine Authority of the Scriptures. London: Henry Mortlock, 1675. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/origines00stil/page/n4; Nolan, Frederick. The Expectations Formed by the Assyrians, that a Great Deliverer Would Appear at the Time of Our Lord’s Advent... London: Bagster et al., 1826. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/expectationsfor00nolagoog/page/n8; Dunlap, Samuel F. Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1858. Book PDF archived at https://archive.org/details/vestigesspirith01dunlgoog/page/n6.)
Where the two World Trade Centers once stood have been venerated unto the Satan, symbolized by the black Saturn-Satan cubes. In Knights Templar Masonry, Saturn was assigned the color black on its outer sphere, like the 9/11 Memorial, while the inner is the moon, whose color is white, explains Master Mason Ward (p. 304).
The “final piece of the WTC Master Plan” was revealed in 2016 to be none other than a third cube, a translucent white marble cube, esoterically symbolic of Satan-Saturn’s inner sphere illuminated by the light of Lucifer-Satan alongside Satan’s outer black cube spheres. The white marble cube named the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center is slated to open in 2020.
(“REVEALED: World Trade Center Performing Arts Center will be a Translucent Marble Cube.” 6sqft.com, Sept 8, 2016; “REVEALED: World Trade Center Performing Arts Center will be a translucent marble cube.” Archinect.com, Sept 8, 2016; Silverstein Properties. Official Press Release “Design for the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center Unveiled.” September 8, 2016, http://wtc.com/media/news/design-for-the-ronald-o-perelman-performing-arts-center-unveiled; “Glowing, Cube-Shaped Design for Performing Arts Center at World Trade Center complex unveiled.” CBS News, Sept 8, 2018; REX Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center at the World Trade Center, Sept 8, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6eOXByScgQ)
On the spiritual side of The Black Hole, during the not-so-Ancient times of the two Beasts of Revelation, the Beast Empire is ruled by the instruments of Satan. On September 11, 2001, with the U.S. National Airborne Operation Center (NAOC) Tertiary plane with a call sign of Venus 77 (Venus, the Morning Star, also called Lucifer) carrying the 77 magical spirit of Satan in Goat-form hovering above New York City, a Mason U.S. President invokes The Pet Goat of his Masonic ancients and listens for 7 minutes as second graders, i.e. 7-year olds read “chant” The Pet Goat.
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44)
II. The Spiritual Initiation into 9/11
If a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a preview.
The Spiritual Side of the European Union, Brexit, France’s Yellow Vests, Venezuela, et al. and the Dismantling of Nation-States. Why Germany.
III. Satan (Atlas) Shrugged